f=[{"id":"13","category":"Channel Management","command":"erase","permlevel":"Moderator","aliases":"","usage":"erase <# to erase> Include '+' to erase more than 100 messages or that are older than 14 days,\n Include 'p' to erase pinned messages also (does not delete pins by default) ","description":"Erase the last # of messages from the channel.","details":"Erase any number of messages from a channel<\/h>
\r When used without flags it will erase only messages that are less than 14 days old and not pinned in the channel

\r Adding the +<\/b> flag will erase more than 100 messages and\/or will include message that are older than 14 days in age

\r Adding the p<\/b> flag will include pinned messages.","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:24:59"},{"id":"225","category":"Channel Management","command":"restore","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"","usage":"restore","description":"Restore a channel Backup to the current channel or Restore a Server Backup","details":"Restores a backup copy of all Messages in a channel (this command requires a premium subscription)<\/b><\/h>
\n This command is used in conjunction with the (Backup)<\/a> command.<\/b>

\nThis command is useful to create a duplicate of a channel on the same or on a different server. Particularly useful when the server owner has abandoned the server without turning over ownership to another member. Recreate the server under new ownership.\n","premium":"1","createdAt":"2021-02-10 23:30:13","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:24:59"},{"id":"215","category":"Channel Management","command":"backup","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"bu","usage":"backup","description":"Backup all messages in the current channel","details":"Makes a copy of all Messages in a channel (this command requires a premium subscription)<\/b><\/h>
\n This command is used in conjunction with the
(Restore)<\/a> command.<\/b>

\nThis command is useful to create a duplicate of a channel on the same or on a different server. Particularly useful when the server owner has abandoned the server without turning over ownership to another member. Recreate the server under new ownership.\n","premium":"1","createdAt":"2021-02-10 23:30:13","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:24:59"},{"id":"109","category":"Channel Management","command":"silence","permlevel":"Moderator","aliases":"","usage":"silence","description":"Silences the current channel","details":"Revokes SEND_MESSAGES from @everyone in the current channel<\/h>
\nTHE CHANNEL MUST BE APPROPRIATELY CONFIGURED FOR THE SILENCE COMMAND TO WORK (Server setup and configuration information may be obtained from the Bot Developers)<\/b>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-02-04 15:37:24","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:24:59"},{"id":"112","category":"Channel Management","command":"setupmute","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"","usage":"setupmute","description":"Creates the 'Muted' role and adds it to every channel (must be run ONCE, first, for use of the `mute` command)","details":"Creates a role called \"Muted\" assigns it permissions and then adds the role to every channel on the server at the time it is run<\/h>
\nThis command is used in conjunction with the
(Mute)<\/a> command to Mute a member on the server.<\/b>\n

\nTHIS COMMAND MUST BE RUN BEFORE USING THE \"MUTE\" COMMAND<\/b>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-02-04 15:37:24","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:24:59"},{"id":"9092","category":"Channel Management","command":"chorder","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"","usage":"chorder","description":"Re-orders Categories & Channels within a Category","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2022-07-21 01:10:00","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:24:59"},{"id":"5","category":"Chat Relay","command":"link","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"","usage":"link {establish a link to a shared channel}\nlink view {view the current channel link info}\nlink view_all {view all server link and shared channels info}\nlink catchup {loads the last 200 shared channels messages to the linked channel}\nlink delete {remove the link}\nlink flags <+\/->flags {enable\/disable link flags}\n(flags: o=One Way, c=Clean (no attachments))","description":"Creates and controls a `Link` to a channel, which has been `Shared` by others","details":"Links the channel to a
Shared<\/a> channel on another server or the same server.<\/h>
\r A link id must be obtained from the admin of the shared channel<\/b><\/em>
\r Creating Linked channels allows members of your server to communicate with members on other servers without them having to join the other server.<\/strong>

\r All link commands must be issued in the channel to be linked or that has been linked<\/em><\/b>

\r When a Link is created it will be announced to the shared<\/b> channel, and to all of the channels that are linked<\/b> to that shared<\/b> channel, that the link was established.\r

\r Please do not share the \"link\"<\/b> command with anyone without express permission of the Shared channel Admin.<\/b>\r
\r Admins control access to their linked channels using standard access permissions on the channel as normal.<\/u>

\r \u202aUsing thelink flags +o+c\"<\/b> {the flags argument is optional}<\/em> will link the channel the command is issued in.
\r Using the +o<\/b> flag on a Shared channel creates a announce onlly channel. Using the +c<\/b> flag passes only clean post without attachments or hyperlinks in the post. {flags maybe added\/removed after the link has been created by using \"link flags\"<\/b> command}.

\r \r \r A server [TAG]<\/b> will be shown with the message authors name on all post sent through the links. This allows everyone to know where the message originated from. The author's name and avatar are used so the post through links look just like the original post on the originating server with the exception of a [BOT]<\/b> tag also attached.

\r When a share is deleted, it will delete all links to the channel. A link maybe be severed by the shared channel admin.
\r Using \"link view\"<\/b> will provide information about where the channel is linked to (servers and the channel name on that server). If the channel is not linked the bot will inform the command issuer.
\r Using \"link view_all\"<\/b> will provide a complete list of all linked channels on the server and channel they are linked to. {it does not list the other servers linked to the shared channel}<\/em>
\r Using \"link catchup<\/b> will copy the last 200 messages from the shared channel into the linked channel
","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:24:59"},{"id":"1","category":"Chat Relay","command":"share","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"shar,sh","usage":"share new {share the current channel}\nshare view {view channels linked to the current channel}\nshare view_all {view all shared channels the links to them}\nshare sever {severs a link to the shared channel}\nshare delete {delete the current channel share all links to it}\nshare flags <+\/->(see flags) {enable\/disable flags on the share}\n(flags: +o = One Way, +c = Clean(no attachments)","description":"Creates and controls a `Shared` channel, which may be `linked` to, by others","details":"A server must first create a Shared channnel for other channels to
Link<\/a> to.<\/h>
A \"Shared\" channel becomes the central hub for channel Linking.<\/b><\/em>
\r Creating Shared\/Linked channels allows members of different servers to communicate with each other without cross-joining members.<\/strong>

\r When a Share is created it will provide a
\"link\"<\/a> command to be shared for linking to the shared channel. This is a unique identifier that will establish links to only that shared channel.

\r Be sure to only share the \"link\"<\/b> command to indivuals whom you want to access the channel. <\/b>
\r Admins control access to the shared<\/b> channel using standard access permissions on the channel.<\/u><\/b>

\r \u202aUsing the\"share new flags +o+c\"<\/b> {the flags argument is optional}<\/em> will create the share in the channel the command is used.
\r Using the +o<\/b> flag on a shared channel, creates an announce only channel. Using the +c<\/b> flag passes only clean posts without attachments or hyperlinks in the post. {flags maybe added\/removed after the share has been created by using \"share flags\" command}.
\r \r \r A server [TAG]<\/b> will be shown with the message authors name on all post sent through the links. This allows everyone to know where the message originated from. The author's name and avatar are used so the post through links look just like the original post on the originating server with the exception of a [BOT]<\/b> tag also attached.

\r When a share is deleted, it will delete all links to the channel. A link maybe be severed by the shared channel admin.<\/strong>

\r Using \"share view\"<\/b> in a \"shared\"<\/b> channel, will provide a list of all linked servers and the channel name on that server. If the channel is not shared the bot will inform the command issuer.
\r Using \"share view_all\"<\/b> will provide a complete list of all shared channels on the server and the links to those shared channels
","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"1539","category":"Fun","command":"kiss","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"kiss @mention","description":"Kisses someone. A fun way to get someone's attention.","details":"A fun friendly way to get someone's attention.<\/h>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-03-11 12:38:56","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"2049","category":"Fun","command":"raptor","permlevel":"User","aliases":"Raptor,dinosaur,jurasic","usage":"raptor","description":"A Random \"Raptor\" gif","details":"A Random \"Jurasic Park\" gif<\/h>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-04-01 10:36:36","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"2087","category":"Fun","command":"dadjoke","permlevel":"User","aliases":"dj,Dj,Dadjoke","usage":"dadjoke","description":"Get a Random Dad Joke","details":"A fun friendly way to get someone's attention.<\/h>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-04-01 14:12:51","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"6","category":"Fun","command":"slap","permlevel":"User","aliases":"Slap,fu,Fu","usage":"slap @mention","description":"Slaps someone. A fun way to get someone's attention.","details":"A fun way to get someone's attention.<\/h>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"5067","category":"Fun","command":"popcorn","permlevel":"User","aliases":"Popcorn,PC,pc","usage":"popcorn","description":"Grab some popcorn and watch\" gif","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-07-13 15:32:36","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"5191","category":"Fun","command":"hug","permlevel":"User","aliases":"Hug,HUG","usage":"hug @mention","description":"Hugs someone. A fun way to get someone's attention.","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-07-28 01:38:21","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"12931","category":"Fun","command":"obi","permlevel":"User","aliases":"obiwon","usage":"obi","description":"Obiwon Hello there\" gif","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2024-03-27 14:33:08","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"12926","category":"Fun","command":"darth","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"darth","description":"Darth Vader I am your father\" gif","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2024-03-27 14:33:08","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"12930","category":"Fun","command":"mando","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"mando","description":"\"Mandolorin This is the way\" gif","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2024-03-27 14:33:08","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"1972","category":"Fun","command":"lethal","permlevel":"User","aliases":"Lethal","usage":"lethal","description":"A Random \"Lethal Weapon\" gif","details":"A Random \" Lethal Weapon\" gif<\/h>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-03-27 14:33:53","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"2","category":"Member Management","command":"kick","permlevel":"Moderator","aliases":"","usage":"kick <@mention> ","description":"Kick a member from the server.","details":"Admins and Moderators may kick a member from the server without learning and using the discord interface.<\/h>
\r Example: kick @voderwolf He left the group<\/b>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"3","category":"Member Management","command":"ban","permlevel":"Moderator","aliases":"","usage":"ban <@mention> or ban ","description":"Ban a member from the server.","details":"Admins and Moderators can Ban members from the server. <\/h>
Banned members are also kicked from the server and will not be allowed to re-join the server until the ban is removed.
(see Unban) <\/a>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"4","category":"Member Management","command":"kickrole","permlevel":"Server Owner","aliases":"krole,kr","usage":"kickrole <@role> {optional: a reason for kicking the members for the server logs}","description":"Kick everyone with <@role> from the server.","details":"Admins and Moderators may quickly kick everyone from the server with a given role.<\/h>
Much easier than finding and kicking each individual member.","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"8","category":"Member Management","command":"warn","permlevel":"Moderator","aliases":"","usage":"warn <@mention> ","description":"Send @member a warning message","details":"Send a direct message warning to a member.<\/h>
(additional functionality to be added to this command is planned).<\/em>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"9","category":"Member Management","command":"whois","permlevel":"User","aliases":"who","usage":"whois <@member> or ","description":"Gives information about a server member","details":"Admins and Moderators can get detailed information about a member or members.<\/h>
Use the @member or give a partial member name.","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"10","category":"Member Management","command":"role","permlevel":"Moderator","aliases":"roll","usage":"role <@member> {for @member role info}\n role <@member> <+\/-> <1 or more @roles separated by commas> {add\/removes members @roles}\n role toggle <@member> <1 or more @roles separated by commas> {toggles the @roles for @member}\n role removeall <@member> {remove all roles from @member}\n role all <+\/-> <1 or more @roles separated by commas> {adds\/removes @roles to all members}\n role every <+\/-> <1 or more @roles spartaed by commas> {add\/removes roles to every member whose name begins with the partial name supplied}\n role in <@role> <+\/-> <1 or more @roles separated by commas> {add\/removes @roles to members that are in a @role}\n role count <@role> {counts the number of members that have @role}\n role has <@role> {list and counts the members that have @role}\n role rollback if first is omitted it defaults to 7 days from last, if last is omitted it defaults to the current date\/time","description":"Adds or removes roles for a member or members and provides member role information","details":"Display member role information or change member(s) Roles<\/h>
  • role <@member> Displays all role information assigned to @member<\/li>\r
  • role <@member> <+\/-> <1 or more @roles separated by commas> adds and removes 1 or more roles to @member.
    EXAMPLE: role @Voderwolf + @Administrator - @Moderator will add the Administrator role and remove the Moderator role from member Voderwolf<\/li>\r
  • role toggle <@member> <1 or more @roles separated by commas> {toggles the @roles for @member}<\/li>\r
  • role removeall <@member> {remove all roles from @member}<\/li>\r
  • role all <+\/-> <1 or more @roles separated by commas> {adds\/removes @roles to all members}<\/li>\r
  • role every <+\/-> <1 or more @roles spartaed by commas> {add\/removes roles to every member whose name begins with the partial name supplied}<\/li>\r
  • role in <@role> <+\/-> <1 or more @roles separated by commas> {add\/removes @roles to members that are in a @role}<\/li>\r
  • role count <@role> {counts the number of members that have @role}<\/li>\r
  • role has <@role> {list and counts the members that have @role}<\/li>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"7","category":"Member Management","command":"unban","permlevel":"Moderator","aliases":"","usage":"unban ","description":"Revoke a ban on a person allowing them to re-join the server","details":"Removes the ban<\/a> from a former member allowing them to re-join the server.<\/h>
    While a ban is in place on a member, they will not be allowed to re-join the server.","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"94","category":"Member Management","command":"mute","permlevel":"Moderator","aliases":"","usage":"mute
    \nA time may be added to the command to silence the member(s) for a specified number of minutes.
    \nEXAMPLE: y!mute 5 @voderwolf<\/b> {to mute VoderWolf for 5 minutes}
    \n y!mute @voderwolf<\/b> {to mute VoderWolf until you run the same command again to un-mute VoderWolf}
    \n","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-02-04 15:37:24","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"11","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"alarm","permlevel":"User","aliases":"alarm,am,alarmmsg,alarmmessage","usage":"alarm","description":"Send a message at specified times","details":"Setup a message to be posted in a chosen channel at specified date\/times <\/h>
    \r Begin the message with && if the post is in a linked channel for it to pass throught to the links<\/em>
    \r For messages to be repeatedly posted at regular intervals see
    ","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"12","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"clock","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"clock","description":"A clock featuring LOCAL, US: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific and (UTC\/GMT) times","details":"This is a digital time clock <\/h>
    Featuring Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific and Greenwich Meant Time (also know as Coordinated Universal Time UTC) times.
    Maybe run in any Text channel or open a Direct Message to the Bot and run the clock command to keep a clock going for easy reference.
    ","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"11766","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"poll","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"newpoll \"poll name\" [Option 1, Option 2] --yn|yesno --num|numbers --lock --blind --time|timeout 5 --mult|multiple --rxn|reactions --maybe|idk --pub|public --role \"role\" --lo|leaveopen|dontcloseearly --color 2555834","description":"create polls for voting","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2023-09-19 22:53:01","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"15","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"mylevel","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"mylevel","description":"Tells you your permission level for the current server","details":"Provides your Bot command Permssions level on the current server<\/h>
    \r You may check the permission level of the command on the commands help page.","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"16","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"mynick","permlevel":"User","aliases":"mynickname,setnick","usage":"mynick \nmynick <@member> ","description":"Sets your Nickname or allows Admins to set a member's nickname for them","details":"Adds the Muted Role to 1 or more members effectively silencing them on the server<\/h>
    \nA time may be added to the command to silence the member(s) for a specified number of minutes.
    \nEXAMPLE: y!mute 5 @voderwolf<\/b> {to mute VoderWolf for 5 minutes}
    \n y!mute @voderwolf<\/b> {to mute VoderWolf until you run the same command again to un-mute VoderWolf}
    stus\n \"YeagerBot\"\n<\/a","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"17","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"ping","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"ping","description":"It Pings the Discord API to gauge turnaround time for API calls.","details":"Test the turnaround time for Discord API calls<\/h>
    \r Primarily used to gauge bot command speeds allowing for the Discord API speed which varies.","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"70","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"allow","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"allow <#channel> <1 or members separated by commas>","description":"toggles adding\/removing individual members to a channel if <#channel> is excluded, the current channel is used","details":"Allow a member access to a channel that does not normally have access.<\/h>

    \nThis Command is a Toggle, run once it gives access to a member, run a second time removes access to the member.","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-30 23:29:11","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"19","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"timer","permlevel":"User","aliases":"tmr,tmsg,tdmsg,timedmessage","usage":"timer","description":"Repeats a message at specified intervals for a specified time","details":"Sets a message to repeatedly post at specified intervals<\/h>
    \nIssue the command and follow\/answer the prompts.\nFully Prompt driven.\n For posting messages at specific times and dates see
    (Alarm)<\/a>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-01-28 20:40:32","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"9294","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"hammyfix","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"ping","description":"It Pings the Discord API to gauge turnaround time for API calls.","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2022-09-04 18:14:05","updatedAt":"2022-09-04 18:32:11"},{"id":"3099","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"youtube","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"Yt,yt,Youtube","usage":"youtube add 'YouTube channel name (required)'\nyoutube remove 'YouTube channel name (optional)'\nyoutube view\nyoutube view_all","description":"YouTube Notification Add\/Remove","details":"Manage YouTube Notifications<\/h>

    youtube add \"YouTube channel name\"<\/b> will search for channels\/posts that include your \"YouTube channel name\" and present the top 10 results for you to choose from to add. in the channel the command is issued in<\/b>
    \nyoutube remove \"YouTube channel name (optional)\" <\/b>will remove a YouTube notification from the channel the command is issued in.<\/b> a list will be given if more than one Notification fits the criteria
    \nyoutube view<\/b> will list all of the YouTube Notifications for the channel the command is issued in<\/b>
    \nyoutube view_all<\/b> will list ALL YouTube Notifications on the Server the command is issued in<\/b>","premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-05-25 00:34:01","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"3632","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"custom","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"","usage":"","description":"Custom user created commands which must be setup through the web portal Dashboard:\n http:\/\/www.yeagerbot.com","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-05-27 17:11:35","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"6942","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"urlindex","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"ui,Ui,UI,urlidx,Urlidx,Urlindex","usage":"urlindex [add-link], [delete-link], [move-link], [add-list], [show-list] or [delete-list]","description":"Creates a dirextory listing of URL's in easy to navigate Embeds","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-12-28 19:38:35","updatedAt":"2023-11-08 11:23:56"},{"id":"7041","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"postit","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"Postit,pit,Pit","usage":"postit","description":"Manage Announce Posts: filter by channel, author, and\/or includes phrase. Wizard driven","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-12-29 18:49:11","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"9053","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"time","permlevel":"User","aliases":"t","usage":"time","description":"Displays the current Time","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2022-07-06 17:34:01","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"9135","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"y","permlevel":"User","aliases":"","usage":"\/y! command","description":"load commands not listed in the \/slash menu","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2022-08-01 09:38:27","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"6377","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"reactrpt","permlevel":"Administrator","aliases":"ReactRpt,Reactrpt","usage":"reactrpt","description":"Message\/User Reaction Report","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2021-11-03 20:46:02","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"10738","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"stream","permlevel":"User","aliases":"str,strm","usage":"stream","description":"It announces a stream in a chosen channel with options","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2023-04-19 12:00:28","updatedAt":"2023-05-01 22:33:23"},{"id":"11079","category":"Miscellaneous","command":"nonick","permlevel":"User","aliases":"nonickname,clearnick","usage":"nonick \nnonick <@member>","description":"Clears your Nickname or allows Admins to clear a member's nickname for them","details":null,"premium":"0","createdAt":"2023-07-12 21:38:12","updatedAt":"2024-05-14 15:25:00"},{"id":"1689","category":"Reference","command":"Custom Commands","permlevel":"User","aliases":"vars","usage":"Adding and Editing of Custom commands is only<\/u> availlable via web site","description":"Custom Command Variable Reference","details":"